El Posgrado de Ingeniería de Sistemas de la FIME-UANL tiene el gusto de hacer la atenta invitación a su Seminario, presentando en esta ocasión al siguiente ponente:


Dr. Vincent Boyer, CIRRELT, Montréal, Cánada.


Título: ”Grammar-Based Integer Programming Model for the Multi-Activity Multi-Task Shift Scheduling Problem”



The shift scheduling problem consists in assigning interruptible activities and un-interruptible tasks to a set of employees in order to satisfy a demand function. In this work, the personalized multi-activity multi-task shift scheduling problem is considered. Hence, the employees can have different qualifications, preferences, and availabilities over the planning horizon. In order to solve exactly this problem, a Branch-and-Price algorithm with column generation is proposed. The pricing sub-problems in the column generation are formulated with context-free grammars which are able to catch complex rules in the construction of feasible shifts for an employee. Results over a large set of instances inspired from real cases are presented and show that this approach is flexible enough to handle different classes of problems.



Vincent Boyer received his Ph.D. in Automatic Systems, from the INSA, in 2007 and his engineer degree in Automatic Systems and Industrial Data Processing, from the ENSEEIHT, in 2004. He worked during 3 years as a post-doctoral fellow at the LAAS, France, in the Distributed Computing and Asynchronism team. His research was focused on the resolution of different cases of the knapsack problem using cooperative methods and GPU computing. Currently he works as a postdoctoral fellow at CIRRELT, Canada, specifically on the personalized shift scheduling problem. His research interests include cooperative methods, combinatorial optimization, heuristics, and parallel computing.



Día, hora y lugar: Viernes 09 de diciembre del 2011, a las 10:30 en el Auditorio 4, en el Edificio 4 de la FIME.

Nota: Se sugiere estar en el auditorio a las 10:25.

Lic. Diana Gpe. Salas Requenes
Posgrado en Ingeniería de Sistemas