[Seminario] Combinatorial optimization with energy constraints. Ponente Dra. Sandra Ulrich

Combinatorial optimization with energy constraints

Abstract: Energy considerations are becoming paramount in the resolution of real-world applications. The goal of the OREM project (http://homepages.laas.fr/sungueve/PGMOOREM.html) is to address the combinatorial optimization challenge of integrating energy constraints in deterministic models such as scheduling models or allocation models. The specificity of this project is to consider constraints related to the physical, technological and performance characteristics of energy sources, provided by electrical engineering researchers. New hybridization of techniques and solution methods are considered. After an overview of the topic, the talk will focus on the recent findings and results.

Bio: Dr Sandra Ulrich NGUEVEU is an Associate Professor at the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (INP-Toulouse) and belongs to LAAS, the largest scientific laboratory of the CNRS (French National Research Center). During her PhD (at the University of Technology of Troyes), she developed exact methods based on column generation and branch-and-cut, as well as metaheuristics to solve vehicle routing problems integrating risk management constraints or objectives. Her current main research interests are energy optimization, vehicle routing problems and the search for efficient Nash equilibriums in a multi-agent project management context.

Se les pide estar 10 minutos antes en el auditorio por respeto al ponente.

Thu Oct 16, 2014 12pm – 1pm Central Time - Mexico City
Auditorio Raśl Quintero, primer piso del CIDET (map)
Seminario Pisis
Pedro Loera - creator

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