La Maestría en Logística y Cadena de Suministro tiene el agrado de invitar al público en general su seminario, el cual se llevará a cabo el Lunes 26 de mayo del presente año a las 19:00 hrs en el auditorio de doctorado Raúl Quintero Flores, el cual esta ubicado en el primer piso del CIDET de la Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica.

Titulo: A methamodel based multiple criteria optimization via simulation method applied to polymer processing

Expositor: Dra. María Guadalupe Villarreal Marroquín (Universidad Estatal de Ohio)

Abstract: for plastic molders to be successful in the global market, they must deliver high quality products at the lowest possible cost. One approach to select the processing conditions to achieve these goals is to experiment on the manufacturing floor. Such experimentation usually requires considerable amount of time and money. Alternatively, molders are now using computer simulations to represent their processes because the predictability of simulation models has greatly increased in recent years. Yet, the difficulty of optimizing polymer processes is that the performance measures (PMs) usually show conflicting behaviors. Therefore the optimal solution for one PM is typically suboptimal for other PM(s), and a solution that is simultaneously optimal for all PMs does not exist. This work presents an Optimization via Simulation method that considers multiple PMs simultaneously. The method is able to approximate a set of Pareto solutions without having to evaluate a large number of simulations. In order to accomplish this, design of experiments, metamodeling, Data Envelopment Analysis, and Pareto optimality are combined. The test of the method using multiobjective optimization test problems as well as several injection molding case studies will be presented.


Biografía: María Guadalupe Villarreal Marroquín es Doctora en Ciencias en Ingeniería Industrial y de Sistemas por la Universidad Estatal de Ohio. Obtuvo la Maestría en Ciencias en Ingeniería de Sistemas así como la licenciatura en Matemáticas en la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. Cuenta con diversas publicaciones en revistas científicas indexadas y presentaciones en conferencias nacionales e internacionales. 

Esperamos contar con su amable presencia.

Dra. Jania Astrid Saucedo Martínez
Posgrado en Logística y Cadena de Suministro
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León