La Maestría en Logística y Cadena de Suministro tiene el agrado de invitar al público en general a su seminario, el cual se llevará a cabo el lunes 27 de junio del 2022 a las 6:00 pm el cuál se llevará a cabo en línea en el Auditorio Raúl Quintero y por medio del Equipo MS Teams Seminario Logística Mayo 2022 (Código Equipo gxo00jo). Teniendo la siguiente presentación:
Título:  A solution method for solving a case study of an order picking problem
 Dra. Diana Lucia Huerta Muñoz
Resumen: Order picking is the process of collecting products from a specific location to complete customer orders. It is the most costly activity inside of a warehouse with up to 65% of the incurred costs (de Koster et al., 2007). On the other hand, two important and closely related problems to the order picking are the storage location of products and the order batching, which may affect the routes performed by pickers if those are not well-optimized. In the first one, the decision to take into account is where to place the items arriving at the warehouse considering that there are several and available locations (or racks) and, in the second one, the decision is to determine how to group customer orders in batches, which must be assigned later to pickers to perform the corresponding routes.

Although these three problems are commonly studied and solved independently, recent studies have shown that their integration may result in a greater improvement (Silva et al., 2020). The aim of this integration is to obtain the best storage location and batching decisions that minimize the total picking cost. We propose a mathematical model formulated as a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) and preliminar approximate solution method composed of a construction heuristic and two local search procedures to solve a real-world case study of a Mexican company. Also, we provide some computational results to show their performance.

Biografía:  Diana Lucia Huerta Muñoz es Doctora en Estadística e Investigación Operativa por la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Barcelona, España desde el 2018. Ha sido profesora de la carrera de Ingeniería Industrial y de Sistemas en el Tec de Monterrey, Campus Toluca. Ha trabajado en la industria manufacturera desarrollando optimización. Actualmente es Investigadora Posdoctoral en el Posgrado de Ingeniería de Sistemas de la FIME, UANL, realizando colaboración conjunta con diversos investigadores de universidades nacionales y en el extranjero en áreas de rutas de vehículos y ubicación de instalaciones.

Alumnos inscritos en 2do, 4to y 6to, así como estudiantes de TC- CONACYT, asistencia presencial obligatoria.


Dra. Jania Astrid Saucedo Martínez
Posgrado en Logística y Cadena de Suministro
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León